Perilous Beasts (2010) - A Study of Creatures Fair and Foul.Though believed to have long been defeated by the man-god Sigmar, his influence lingers on, in Nehekhara, where the undying Tomb Kings still vie for their ancient domains, often oblivious to their own undeath, caused by Nagash's Spell of Awakening, while those who drank from his "Elixir of Life" still plague the world as Vampires, the children of the night. Legacy of Nagash (2010) - Greatest among all necromancers, Nagash was the father of the dark arts of Necromancy.Meanwhile, High King Alrik of Karaz-a-Karak ponders on the Dwarf grudges yet to be settled, and High Priest Astragoth directs the wicked industry of the Chaos Dwarfs from Zharr-Naggrund, the City of Fire and Desolation, in the name of the Bullfather Hashut. In cold Naggaroth, Malekith, the Witch King, sent raiders and ambassadors to the four corners of the world, hoping to grow his wealth and influence and sabotage the efforts of the Phoenix King. Led by Finubar, Prince of Eataine, the expedition established contact and trade with many of the civilized nations they found there. Blood of Ancients (2010) - In Ulthuan, the Phoenix King Bel-Hathor of Saphery decided to send an expedition to the Old World for the first time in centuries.One merely has to be desperate or lucky enough to attract their gaze and begin a new life on the path of glory. Ostensibly 'civilised' societies are not immune to the touch of Chaos either, as the Dark Gods find ready adherents in all creeds and cultures. The barbaric Kurgan and Hung revel in this twisting energy, seeking the favour of the dark gods of Chaos, while the Norscans reave their way south for plunder and glory. The touch of the Warp waxes and wanes with foul vigour, mutating the landscape, empowering the evil, and driving the righteous to madness. Beyond the merely mundane threats, the polar Warp Gates connect directly to the Realm of Chaos and lets loose the empyrean horror that strains at reality. Realms of Chaos (2010) - The lands of the distant north are not just cold and savage.This infighting would prove to have disastrous consequences, as heresy and corruption of all kinds festered and grew in the absence of any unified strength. For over six centuries the Empire had been in a state of civil war, with each of claimants to the Imperial throne making war upon any who would deny their right to rule. It was heralded in an ominous fashion when the city of Mordheim was destroyed by a warpstone meteor at the stroke of midnight. The Vampire Wars (2010) - The turn of the millennium was a time of great change and upheaval in what was left of the Empire.